RJ Wattenhofer

Tech writing, 3D model building and game design.

July 27, 2024

StarMade Player Commands

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This list contains all of the StarMade commands that players may use without admin permissions. For a complete list of admin and faction commands, please view the StarMade Wiki.

Command Description Parameters Example
/change_sector Teleports player/player & object to sector X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer) /change_sector 12 12 12
/daytime Time set in hours TimeInHours(Integer) /daytime 10
/destroy_entity Selected item from navigation tab destroyed --- /destroy_entity
/give Element given by name PlayerName(String), ElementName(String), Count(Integer) /give Joe PlexDoor 10
/giveid Element given by ID PlayerName(String), ElementName(String), Count(Integer) /give Joe 122 10
/give_credits Player receives credits PlayerName(String), Count(Integer) /give_credits Joe 10
/give_all_items All available items given PlayerName(String), Count(Integer) /give_all_items Joe 10
/give_category_items All available items from one category given PlayerName(string), Count(Integer), Terrain/Ship/Station(String) /give_category_items Joe 10 100
/initiate_wave Starts enemy wave of ships Level(Integer), Seconds(Integer) /initiate_wave 4 10
/jump Jumps to object --- /jump
/list_ships Displays items from ship catalog --- /list_ships
/load Places object in unoccupied location CatalogName(String), ShipName(String) /load New_design New_name
/save Selected object saved to catalog CatalogName(String) /save New_design
/search Displays sector where object is located Ship/StationName(String) /search Object_name
/set_spawn Spawnpoint set to current location --- /set_spawn
/shop_restock Items restocked in selected shop --- /shop_restock
/spawn_item Spawns item near player BlockName(String), Count(Integer) /spawn_item PlexDoor 10
/spawn_mobs Spawns AI randomly around player CatalogName(String), FactionID(Integer), Count(Integer) /spawn_mobs Current_ship -1 10
/spawn_mobs_line Spawns AI in line of sight CatalogName(String), FactionID(Integer), Count(Integer) /spawn_mobs_line Current_ship -1 10
/start_ship_AI Ship converted to faction AI FactionID(Integer) /start_ship_ai-1
/stop_ship_AI Ship with faction AI stopped --- /stop_ship_AI
/teleport_self_home Teleports player to spawnpoint --- /teleport_self_home
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