1) Download and install SteamCMD. This can be done on your desktop or in any directory you prefer.
2) Launch SteamCMD and enter this command:
login anonymous. If Steam will not allow you to login then enter
3) Enter this command to download the server: app_update 258550 -beta experimental validate
ALERT: Files may not fully download on first execution. You may need to run the above command two or more times. If the CMD window does not stay up when 'server_start.bat' is launched (see further down in tutorial) then you are missing files.
4) Steam will create a folder in it's 'steamapps' > 'common' folder called 'rust_dedicated'.
Move this folder to OS (C:).
5) Open 'Notepad' (or your preferred text editor) and create a file titled 'server_start.bat'. Place this code in the file:
@echo off
RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.port 28015 +server.hostname "[YOUR-NAME-HERE]" +server.identity "[YOUR-NAME-HERE]" +server.maxplayers 20 -load
6) Drop the 'server_start.bat' file in your server folder.
7) Create a second file in 'Notepad' called 'rust_updater.bat'. Paste this code in it:
steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\rust_dedicated\ +app_update 258550 -beta experimental +verify +quit
8) Place 'rust_updater.bat' in the SteamCMD folder. In the future, double-click and run this file whenever you would like to update the game.
9) Start the server by double-clicking the 'server_start.bat' file in the 'rust_dedicated' folder.
10) After it has loaded type quit
11) Download Oxide for Rust (experimental).
Put it into the server folder and unpack it. When it prompts you to overwrite files select yes to all.
12) Start the server again by using the 'server_start.bat' file.
13) After it has loaded again close it.
14) Go to rust_dedicated > server > [SERVER.IDENTITY NAME] > oxide. You will find the oxide folders 'config' and 'plugins' here.
15) Go to Oxide Rust Plugins.
16) Download any plugins you wish and place them in the 'plugins' folder. They will load the next time you start the server. You will need to run them once on the server to create any necessary config files.
Joining the Server
17) Obtain your network IP or the IP address of your VPN (Tunngle, Hamachi, Evolve, etc).
18) Launch the 'Rust' client. After it has loaded hit 'F1' to open the console.
19) To connect locally, enter client.connect To enter using your network IP or VPN, use the same format and replace the IP ''.
Adding Admins
20) Enter this code in the server command window: ownerid [YOUR-STEAM64-ID] "[YOUR-STEAM-USER-NAME]" "reason". EX: ownerid 99999999999999999 "HerrScribbler" "reason"
21) Add moderators with this code: moderatorid [YOUR-STEAM64-ID] "[YOUR-STEAM-USER-NAME]" "reason"
22) Enter this code in the server command window to save your changes/updates: server.writecfg
written by RJ Wattenhofer
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