RJ Wattenhofer

Tech writing, 3D model building and game design.

July 27, 2024

Rust Custom Workshop Items

Clothing, weapons and other objects created by
RJ Wattenhofer for use in the game Rust

Outlander Leather Jacket

A four color leather jacket with grommet & strap closures. Visit the product page on Steam for more details and voting.

rust workshop outlander jacket 01

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rust workshop outlander jacket 04

Ace-High Anterior Shoulder Holster

Front-strapped burgundy leather shoulder holster featuring standard Rust semi-automatic pistol textured on a long sleeve shirt. Visit the product page on Steam for more details and voting.

rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster 01

rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster 03
rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster 02

rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster 04

New Order Police Uniform w/ Shoulder Holster

Post-apocalyptic New Order police uniform with black leather anterior shoulder holster featuring standard Rust semi-automatic pistol emblazoned on a long sleeve shirt. Visit the product page on Steam for more details and voting.

rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster 01

rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster 03
rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster 02

rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster 04
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rust workshop outlander jacket large 01 rust workshop outlander jacket large 02 rust workshop outlander jacket large 03 rust workshop outlander jacket large 04 rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster large 01 rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster large 02 rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster large 03 rust workshop ace-high anterior shoulder holster large 04 rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster large 01 rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster large 02 rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster large 03 rust workshop police shirt with anterior shoulder holster large 04