Tired of the sun dropping every few minutes while you are in the middle of a Minecraft build? This tutorial will step you through the process of creating a Redstone-powered mechanism that will keep your world sunny & bright all the time.
1) Daylight Sensor
2) Redstone
3) Redstone Torch
4) Any type of building block
5) Command Block
STEP ONE: Place the Daylight Sensor. The top surface must be exposed to the sky so that it can sense light.
STEP TWO: Lay down a path of six Redstone with the first one directly touching the daylight sensor.
STEP THREE: Place any type of building block at the end of your Redstone path.
STEP FOUR: Place your Command Block one space away from the building block.
STEP FIVE: Right click the Minecraft Command Block and enter this command: /time set 1000. Click the 'Done' button.
STEP SIX: Place a Redstone Torch on the building block's surface directly facing the Command Block. Your mechanism is now active.
The finished mechanism! It will now permanently stay daylight in your world.