RJ Wattenhofer

Tech writing, 3D model building and game design.

February 15, 2025

Wattenhofer Writing and Design Samples

A list of links to the creative works of RJ Wattenhofer

Writing Samples

The main articles page contains internal links to subjects relating to website, server and game coding.

main articles page

This is the ArmA 2 articles page which features several gaming tutorials and coding lessons for players.

arma 2 articles page

This is my Ezine Articles Profile Page. You can find links to past articles written by me here.

ezine articles profile page

Design Samples

This is a demo WordPress site that illustrates my knowledge of design, layout, coding and plugins.

wordpress sample 01

Here is an example of a WordPress resume that I designed and coded for Dr. Polly Mattila, PHD.

wordpress sample 01

Another example of my coding ability is the source code of this page.

source code sample

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